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The Easiest, Most Meaningful Christmas Celebration You Could Plan for Your Team

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Is it that time of year already? No sooner do the summer barbecues start dwindling before you’re thinking ahead to December. And one of the biggest items on your agenda is planning the Christmas celebration for your team.

There are many ways to make this tradition happen. Most of them involve a lot of logistical planning and leftover pasta salad. But if you’re going to make this holiday workplace celebration happen, why not choose the easy way out? As it turns out, that’s also the most meaningful way.  

We have two words for you: food tour. Why is this meaningful? How is this easy? Allow us to explain.  

Why holiday celebrations and food go together

Food is one of the most powerful social glues we have—at work, home, anywhere. Food connects us and allows us to better collaborate. That’s why a study from Cornell University  found that employees who lunched together performed better than those who ate alone.

And when it comes to holiday celebrations, food becomes even more significant. Why? It’s related to millennia of human history. For most of this history, food has been hard to come by for the majority of the population. That’s why having enough to share is linked with celebration. This is the reason so many seasonal events that emphasize thankfulness and abundance have histories of agricultural communities offering up prayers for good harvests. Over time, food and celebration became powerfully, instinctively connected.

Fascinating, isn’t it? Your holiday workplace celebration is actually another chapter in a history that’s thousands of years in the making!

Why a food tour is the easiest way to celebrate Christmas

Festive Favourites Tour guests eating at a Bread Affair dressed in holiday attire

As the planner for this team holiday celebration, you have a tall order: create a meaningful, fun event that will connect the team. But what’s truly meaningful and genuinely fun? Is it really a meal and some drinks in the boardroom?

Respectfully, there’s an easier and way more effective way to meet your goals for this event: just book a food tour!

What’s a food tour? This means getting the whole team out of the office on a guided expedition of Vancouver’s best food establishments. You change things up by exploring iconic neighborhoods, learning local Vancouver history, and enjoying a progressive meal as a team. And if you do this kind of tour with us, our guides are specially trained in sparking conversations that bring everyone together.

Oh, and uh…we also happen to be running a Festive Favourites Market Tour throughout December. Alternatively, if you want to offer your team a more multicultural experience, our Authentic Asian Eats Tour is also available as an evening tour. For this, we’re offering a celebratory Peking Duck feast. 

So…no planning? No ordering meals? No carting bottles of wine around? No making Christmas playlists? Just book a tour and have a truly fun, exciting, unique team holiday celebration that’s totally focused on food—as it should be? Yes, indeed.

Want to celebrate the holidays with your team the right way? Just keep the focus on food. And, please, choose the easy way this year!

Explore Our Foodie Tours


Gastronomic Gastown

Gourmet Dining with a Side of Community

$169.99+ CAD

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Granville Island Market

Insider Access to Vancouver’s Favourite Market

$119.99 CAD

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Authentic Asian Eats

Culinary Adventure Through Asia, Right in Downtown Vancouver

$149.99 CAD

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Granville Island Uncorked

Savor the Artisanal Spirit of Granville Island

$169.99 CAD

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