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The Post-Halloween Cleanse

Twas the day after Halloween and all across the floor, Candy wrappers of every kind – chocolates, caramels and more, As the morning unfolds, tummies are sore from all the sweets, It’s savoury and greenery that foodies now want to eat, For days like these when foodies need a “cleanse” Here’s a few of our best recommendations – […]

Hooray! A Very Special Milestone

You guys, you’ve made us Vancouver’s #1 Tour and Activity on TripAdvisor! When we heard that we’d reached the #1 spot on TripAdvisor’s list of Tours and Activities, we almost fell off our chairs. See, just 6 years ago, Vancouver Foodie Tours’ Founder, Michelle, starting hosting food tours on weekends as a hobby. She would take […]


At first glance, you would never peg Industrial Avenue for a foodie destination. The landscape of this part of Vancouver is almost exclusively concrete – low, boxed-shaped warehouses and large parking lots stretch towards the skyline of the North Shore. But, hidden within one of these nondescript buildings is Beta 5 – one of North’s […]

INTERVIEW: Rain or Shine Ice Cream

It was another rainy November in Vancouver. No one batted an eye at the dreary skies. Yet, a little ray of sunshine was destined for Kitsilano that winter of 2013 – Rain or Shine Ice Cream opened on W 4th Avenue. The city was thrilled to have a boutique ice cream shop in their midst […]

Travellers’ Guide to the Richmond Night Market

The Richmond Night Market is the largest Asian-style night market in North America. From what to wear to what to eat, here are 10 things you need to know before you visit.

Best Places for Craft Beer in Vancouver

Cheers! For the final week of our partnership with Expedia Canada and we’re ending things with a bang! If you’ve just arrived on our Vancouver food blog, you’re just in time – we’re bringing you from morning-to-night in Vancouver, giving you the inside scoop on the way locals dine. Catch up on the Hidden Gems in […]

Vancouver’s Best Patios for Afternoon Fare

Hello Foodies! It’s Week Two of our exciting partnership with Expedia Canada! We’re bringing you from morning-to-night in Vancouver, giving you the inside scoop on the way locals dine. If you missed it, you can catch up on our previous post on the Hidden Gems in Vancouver’s Brunch Scene. Keep your eyes peeled as the […]

BRUNCH: Hidden Gems in Vancouver

Hello Foodies! For the next three weeks, Vancouver Foodie Tours is partnering with Expedia Canada to bring you from morning-to-night in Vancouver, giving you the inside scoop on the way a local might dine. Keep your eyes peeled as the highlights from our Vancouver food blog appear on Expedia Canada’s Travel Blog – it’s a […]

Seafood Series: Vancouver’s Famous Spot Prawns

***As a special treat for the fifth and final week of our Seafood Series, we want to send you and a friend to this year’s Spot Prawn Boil at Fisherman’s Wharf on Sunday, May 17 at 2:00pm. Read on to enter to win!*** Seafood lovers in Vancouver will know – The Spot Prawn Boil at […]

Seafood Series: Best Salmon in Vancouver

Seated on the Pacific Ocean, it’s no surprise that Vancouver is known for some of the best seafood in the world. We were inspired to create a Seafood Series for the readers of our Vancouver food blog, and so far, we’ve covered the best places for: Oysters, Tuna and Fish and Chips. Yet, if there’s […]

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