Photo of a team at a teambuilding activity together at a table eating

2022 offers unique challenges for businesses looking to resurrect company culture.

The last couple years of constant change and adaptation has left little room for nurturing teamwork, culture, and employee relations. Companies must find ways to build back culture for attracting & retaining key talent, upholding company values, and creating a sense of fun in the office.

Here are three actionable steps to rebuild your company culture in this new era of the workplace.

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Rekindle Your Company Culture

Company culture is like the wind, invisible, yet its influence is both felt and seen. When blowing in your direction, it facilitates smooth sailing. However, when against you, everything is more challenging. As a fundamental change occurred in the blink of an eye, companies adapted to a new reality of virtual meetings and remote work settings. However, this displacement has constructed a demanding environment for organizations to nurture and promote a shared set of beliefs and values (1). Resultantly, substantial numbers of industry leaders have reported the deterioration of organizational culture (1).

Zoom Call office team

“Industry leaders have reported the deterioration of organizational culture.”

As workplaces transition back to office spaces, hybrid, and remote work settings, a unique opportunity is presented to consider how company culture has been altered. But, more importantly- a new chance to establish and facilitate the culture your company desires. Whether your company has experienced a fragmented, dormant, or culture ready for reinvigoration over the past few years, here are three actionable steps to move towards a strong, flourishing, and sustainable company culture.


1. Cultivate Concrete Coworker Relationships

Having concrete and strong work relationships drive employee engagement. Strong companies depend upon solid relationships, and fostering these relationships among employees keeps company communities satisfied, engaged, and productive. Unfortunately, 35% of new hires voluntarily leave or are fired within one and a half years (4). Of these, over 60% report not being able to form effective relationships with colleagues as the primary reason for this failure (4).

“60% of employees who quit report lack of colleague relationships as the primary reason for leaving.”

Team Building Experience- two women smiling and sharing a meal

As many full-time employees spend more of their waking hours with coworkers than they do with their spouses and families, it is essential to facilitate opportunities for employees to build quality relationships with their coworkers (3). To cultivate strong relationships, companies can organize informal get-togethers outside of the workplace to encourage employee interaction and involvement. There are innumerable benefits for companies that foster good connections in the workplace.


2. Coaches Not Colleagues

Company Culture is a make-or-break element of a company’s success. Culture unites people in shared beliefs and purposes; it reinforces norms and values; it motivates performance and encourages contributions. To construct a purpose-driven company culture fuelled by passionate and talented people, train leaders to be great coaches, not just colleagues. According to Gartner, “ employees who report to managers who coach effectively are 40% more engaged” (5). Talented people want engaging opportunities to use their talents and strengths to contribute to the purpose and goals of the company. In addition, they want to feel valued and honored not just for their current work objectives but for their untapped and potential talents.

“Employees who report to managers who coach effectively are 40% more engaged.”

Two coworkers with a coach


3. The Face Can’t Be Replaced

“In-person meetings provide a sense of intimacy, connection, and empathy.”

Digital communications simply cannot replace in-person interactions. As maintained by Paul Axtell: “In-person meetings provide a sense of intimacy, connection, and empathy,” which can not be facilitated through video conferencing (2). After all, how does an employee feel when they have never met their manager? Or never had the opportunity to experience a dining experience with their team? The result could be dissatisfaction with their work experience, and disconnection with company culture, resulting in lower rates of productivity and retention (2). Bringing employees together for moments that matter is business-critical, and the benefits far outweigh the costs.

Connected Through Food

After an overwhelming demand for an experiential and connective experience that unites people through the universal power of food, Vancouver Foodie Tours worked alongside local artisans and restaurant owners to craft a memorable way for teams to connect through a passion for food. Founded upon a passion for flavors, people, storytelling, and a love of sharing our multicultural and diverse city of Vancouver, our team facilitates memorable experiences for your team, so you can sit back and enjoy every sip and bite.

We deliver fun, delicious food experiences that build rewarding company connections through our Granville Island Market Tour and Authentic Asian Eats Tour. Dining together radically bridges differences in teams, resulting in the ability to perceive others as equals, regardless of background or role, creating a more cohesive community (6). Imagine what a Foodie Tour could do for your team! Our tours start at CAD $89.99. If you are interested in our team building events, please contact us.

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1 Brower, Tracy. “Your Company Culture Has Deteriorated: Here’s What’s (Really) Going On.”  Forbes Magazine, February 21, 2022.

2 The Washington Post. “The Science of Being There: Why Face-to-Face Meetings Are So Important.” The Washington Post. WP Company, January 26, 2022.

3 McFarlin, Kate. “Importance of Relationships in the Workplace.” Small Business –, February 5, 2019.

4 Powers, Kris. “Organizational Culture.” Go to the cover page of Workplace Psychology. Chemeketa Press. Accessed May 4, 2022.

5 Wiles, Jackie. “Gartner ,” 2019.

6 Julier, Alice P. Eating Together Food, Friendship, and Inequality. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2013.

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Gastronomic Gastown Tour

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Granville Island Market Tour

The inside track at the world famous Public Market.

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Authentic Asian Eats Tour

An Insider’s Guide to World-Class Chinese Cuisine

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